NaNoWriMo: Days 11 & 12

Well, day 11 wasn't all that productive, but two Prozacs later, I feel more ready to delve into my writing today on day 12. To be perfectly honest (hell, why not be honest, I don't think too many people are reading this), but I hit a rough spot yesterday when a dam broke open and my mind got flooded with hellish memories. When writing a memoir and when my mind is so fragile, that's the chance I take--that by writing 'something' will be remembered rending me useless. But--this may be cheating--I am going to 'fast forward' a few years to happier times until the Prozac kicks in all the way, and then I'll back track and pick up in the past where I left off.
Not only is my depression standing in my way, but factor in a full-time work-at-home job, my kids, the sometimes very needy hubby (he is working on a line of comic books, and me, being the only computer savy nerd in the house, I'm left to scan, tweak, and format his images into a printable format), and the cooking, and the cleaning (well, the hubby does the bulk of that, but I am the only one who ever cleans the sh*t stains from the toliet and the toothpaste off the bathroom mirror)--so in other words, I AM OVERWHELMED!
Yea... I don't even HAVE any kids around during the day anymore ... and I still didn't sign up for Novel thing! A post a day is enough for me, thanks! BEST OF LUCK to ya!
Keep going! Skipping around is totally OK, take it as you can and keep your chin up. There is a whole bunch of us crazy Flint people cheering for you. :)
I love the Inky Girl and the Will Write For Chocalate comics. They crack me up! Especially the one with the mom hiding in the bathroom to write. I have so hada to go to those extremes.
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